Heather Swenson is a multidisciplinary artist working and living in Rochester, New York. Currently, she is focusing on silkscreen and exploring new uses of this medium through building three dimensional structures. She was awarded a NYSCA funded residency at Alfred University in 2019, during which she created an edition of artist books categorizing the security tints found in envelopes. Heather has shown work in multiple exhibitions around New York, including solo shows in Buffalo and Rochester, as well as a large scale public art installation for Rochester Contemporary Art Center. Heather teaches screenprinting workshops at her studio and has held demonstrations for members of the Print Club of Rochester. She is the Exhibition Manager of the club and helps to facilitate biennial international print exhibitions. Heather received her BFA in Interdisciplinary Visual Arts with a concentration in painting and printmaking from Purchase College of Art and Design in 2012.

photo credit: Cris Van Grol